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P R E S S   R E L E A S E

Sterling, MA, April 1, 2024

ALTO Aviation introduces a new CadenceTM Cabin Management System retrofit solution

specifically engineered for Gulfstream G200 aircraft.

ALTO Aviation, a leading aerospace supplier of certified cabin audio systems and cabin control
equipment for Business Aircraft, has expanded the company's Cabin Management System
offering, introducing a CadenceTM Cabin Management System (CMS) retrofit solution specifically
engineered for the Gulfstream G200 aircraft equipped with an obsolete Honeywell or Collins

This solution provides fit-compatible replacement switch panels at all locations except the VIP
seat and the galley locations. The cutouts at these two locations will need to be trimmed out
slightly to support the additional features required for these master switch panels.
To follow ALTO's "Keep it Simple" approach, headphone audio is removed to make space for
optional USB type A or type C charging ports. A Bluetooth® audio receiver is available to replace
existing CD/DVD source equipment. An additional option is available to replace the existing NTSC
aux panels with HDMI aux ports to interface with new HD bulkhead monitors.

"We are very pleased to serve our MRO customers by introducing this simple and effective
upgrade solution designed to solve CMS obsolescence in the Gulfstream G200 aircraft. CadenceTM
switch panels offer a practical CMS solution without any performance compromise and an
unrivaled price point. Our authorized installers do a great job, and the installations are fast, with
seamless results, easily bringing new cabin control life to this great aircraft," says Steve Lord,
Senior Technical Sales Manager at ALTO Aviation.

P R E S S   R E L E A S E

About ALTO Aviation

ALTO Aviation is a leading top-tier supplier of premium cabin audio systems and cabin control solutions
specifically tailored for the aerospace industry leader, celebrating over 26 years of service to the Business
Aviation industry. Today, over 7,000 business jets fly with ALTO Aviation components.
Our excellent in-house ALTO team designs, manufactures, distributes, and supports premium customized
cabin audio systems and Cabin Management for all aircraft in Business Aviation, including rotor, military,
and Special Mission aircraft. Our portfolio of products and solutions is FAA TSO-C139 approved. We
provide and support most major OEMs and MROs worldwide with the most advanced passenger-centric
technology in Digital Surround Sound, award-winning Immersive 3D audio, ALTO MySoundTM VIP seat
optimization, PA/Chime, Bluetooth® audio, CadenceTM Cabin Management System, Direct Replacement
Passenger Controls, and ALTO cabin control app.

ALTO's cabin systems engineers supervise and tune each project onsite, applying the most advanced
acoustic mapping resources, proprietary Digital Signal Processors, and algorithms to ensure maximum
optimization and customization of each installation. Our R&D division also develops cabin audio and cabin

control solutions explicitly engineered for the supersonic and UAM segments. ALTO also manufactures in-
house precision sheet metal and machined parts for aerospace and multiple high-standard industries.


If you would like more information, please visit or contact Cristina Scarlata at




86 Leominster Rd,

Sterling, MA 01564


(978) 466-5992

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