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One of the big differenciators for us is product range. It's huge and we maintain that because the range of taste among our customer base is also huge.
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“So, it sounds as if your Showrooms are key, that this is something they [the clients] really enjoy about your company vs. some other options that might bring samples to them. Is that right?”


“Absolutely, it’s been great for us of course because we can sort of cover everything all in one visit and from one location. For our customers however, I think, wow, that’s really a lot of expense to spool up their jet and fly into Manchester from wherever, you know? But I think it’s just a great part of the process for them – as opposed to some of the more arduous visits to the completion center discussing engineering issues etc. So I think it’s something they look forward to.”


In terms of approach, what would you say the two or three paramount ideologies are for Glancy Fawcett in working with your customers?”


“So, #1 is definitely service. That’s always our primary focus throughout. I think the art of real service is often forgotten. But the significance we place on that, is I think why people choose us to be their partner in these things. But our #2 of course is product range. So essentially, it's all the tableware, it's the cutlery, the crystal glassware, the sushi trays or whatever it might be. But it’s also things like unbreakables. If you have kids on board for example, you want to have some unbreakable items. So, you see it’s working through the practical aspects of how the family works, their guests, what they all like to do on-board - even the routes they fly. We always look at every space and give practical solutions to that based on the intended use.”

“And then from tableware then we go into linen,” he continues “so, from informal placemats to tablecloths. For example, on table cloths, they can’t be treated the same as with a residential client because the tables on aircraft are more restricted. Movements are different - so measurements and drops become an important thing. We will do a 10 centimeter drop as opposed to the typical 30 centimeters in your home. These issues must be considered on an aircraft or it can cause problems for both passengers and crew.”


“Next, we go in to things like slippers and cushions, decorative pillows and related items. We've often got those ready to go. And then you have bedding and towels, sleeping pillows, duvets and all of those sorts of items. As I'm looking outside the window here, we have a 4,000 square feet accessory showroom - so that's both practical and decorative - from your bathroom pump to a lovely little leather tray where your drinks are served. So really, we have the whole A-to-Z here for our customers.”


Ok, so speaking of accessories, what about fully custom items? Can you support those kinds of

requests as well?


“Well, for many customers, they like the reassurance of having a ‘brand’ whether it be Baccarat, Christofle, Lalique, Hermès or what have you. In some measure at least, almost all clients will want some of these major brands on board. However almost all clients also seek to have something that is unique to them – completely custom, bespeaking their own taste or a theme that’s unique to them. For these requests, we have an in-house product design team that will work with our customers in flushing out fully custom ideas – and the service is free. We don’t charge for it. We simply want to offer the service so that when the solution can’t be found in our Showroom, we can still help them.”

“Interesting. I can certainly see this being an important addition to your overall offering. So, finally I wanted to say that in my own career as a designer, I often tried to get my clients to involve amenities concurrent with – the early design process in order to provide a certain thematic continuity between the architecture and accessories. Is that something you find in your practice these days? Do some of your product designers seek this kind of early involvement for similar reasons?”


“Well, the truth is…in today’s environment, it can often take 12-18 months for delivery of many items such as CCF and related things; and especially if there is any customization. So, we always encourage this kind of up-front involvement – certainly for the reasons you’re talking about – but also for practical reasons. We of course want to ensure that the delivery of our goods wind up matching the delivery of the aircraft.”


“Interesting. Thank you.” Ok, well, Tom and Emma…I want to thank both of you on behalf of myself and our readers. Not everyone here in the states may yet be familiar with the Glancy Fawcett name but we hope to change that. It’s quite impressive what you offer, the multiple offices that support your operation and of course your unique way of looking after clients. But before we close, I do need to pose one final question to both of you.”


“Let’s say you both are sitting on a veranda somewhere on the Amalfi coast following a meeting with a customer. You’ve just finished a lovely dinner but find that you have room for dessert. The server explains their specialty for the evening are Profiteroles. So, you both order them. Now…do you order them with the rich dark chocolate sauce – or without?”

Both of my perplexed interviewees looked at each other. After a few quizzical seconds they both shrugged and answered….”by all means, the chocolate sauce!”


So, is my analogy between VIP cabin amenities, and food a huge stretch? Maybe…but my point is, nobody in their right mind is going to seriously consider eating Profiteroles without the chocolate sauce – anymore than someone about to take delivery of a new BBJ is going to do so without the full complement of cabin amenities. It’s all about the finish…

Bon appétit!


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